The Subliminal Interviewing Skill You Need To Master

It does not matter what kind of job you want or the industry you are looking, just about every interview is the same. The interviewer asks a few questions about you and you ask a few about the company and you are hired based on a gut feeling. We must learn the subliminal interviewing skill of selling. In every interview, you are doing the same thing; selling yourself. Unfortunately, this is a topic rarely spoken about and shared. If you can properly sell yourself, then you will increase your odds of the interviewer having a stronger gut feeling about you.
Sell Yourself

It does not matter what kind of job you want or the industry you are looking, just about every interview is the same. The interviewer asks a few questions about you and you ask a few about the company and you are hired based on a gut feeling.

When hiring anyone, there are no facts to go off of, it really is simply a gut feeling. If we know this is the case, how do we increase our chances?

We must learn the subliminal interviewing skill of selling. In every interview, you are doing the same thing; selling yourself. Unfortunately, this is a topic rarely spoken about and shared. If you can properly sell yourself, then you will increase your odds of the interviewer having a stronger gut feeling about you.

The art of selling has not changed since selling was invented. You simply need to learn the basics and apply them to your next interview. And for that, we turn to the best in the business, Dale Carnegie and his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. If you have not read this book, then it is an absolute must!

Below we list out some pointers for you to focus on for your next interview. We only picked the key points for you to focus on the most. Again, think of these topics in terms of how best to sell myself in my next interview.

Make People Like You

  1. Become genuinely interested in them.
  2. Smile.
  3. A person’s name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
  4. Be a good listener.
  5. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
  6. Talk in terms of the other person’s interest.
  7. Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

Win People to Your Way of Thinking

  1. Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say “You’re Wrong.”
  2. If you’re wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
  3. Begin in a friendly way.
  4. Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
  5. Let the other person feel the idea is his or hers.
  6. Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.

While we cannot explain every topic above, there are a few that are key to your success. Also, we discuss topics like these in further detail on our Jobseeker tab such as Interview Prep

We’ll break these topics down and explain how they relate to the interview.

  • Become genuinely interested in them
    Before all the “Business” stuff happens in an interview, there is the fun part. This is usually the first 5-10 minutes where the interviewer will ask an ice-breaker type question to relax the tension. This is your time to have fun and make a connection. It is this connection that can ruin the entire interview before it even starts.
  • Smile
    Whether you are in-person or on a phone call, smiling while talking is critical. It has been proven that if you smile when you talk, you will appear happier, but also feel happier. Think of it this way; the opposite would be to frown. Would you hire someone who just frowned the whole time?
  • Be a good listener
    Nothing makes interviewers more upset then when you do not listen. It is arguably one of the most important business skills any one can have. This is simple, when you are at an interview; be there!
  • Encourage others to talk about themselves
    While an interview should be 50/50, in terms of both of you talking, everyone likes to hear themselves speak. In this case, if the interviewer starts telling you a story, encourage them on and listen! If possible, when giving your next answer to a question, relate back to the story to prove you listened and to show them you liked their story.
  • Talk in terms of the other person’s interest
    This is similar to what we described in the first point. It is important to make a connection with the interviewer right away. Find something that interests them and talk about it. It could be a book, a movie, a recent article you read. Remember though, nothing controversial!!!
  • Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely
    This is very important to do in an interview. Many people feel that when they are being interviewed by their peers that the interview is not important because they are not the hiring manager. We cannot stress enough, it does not matter who is interviewing you; Make them feel important. If there is anything you take away from this article, this is it!
  • If you’re wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically
    It happens to the best of us; we are trying to remember some stat or number and it doesn’t come to us so we say the closest number we can think of. Then the interviewer corrects you. It’s okay, own the mistake. The interviewer will appreciate your honesty and think more highly of you because of it.
  • Begin in a friendly way
    Whenever you are explaining or talking about something, always do so in a friendly manner. For example, if you are talking about a prior boss or company, do so in a friendly manner. People want to hire optimistic and friendly people, not the opposite.

Remember, an interview is not about being a robot and memorizing answers. It’s about being yourself and showing them how you can solve their problems. Learn how to sell yourself in an interview and land the job of your dreams!

Make your job search work for you and not against you. Our services at A Better Interview, LLC can help you improve your chances. We highly recommend that you take a look and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We will answer any questions you have.

