The Role of Body Language During a Job Interview: The DO’s and the DONT’s

The role of body language during a job interview can largely dictate whether you will be successful in your job pursuit or not. Many HR experts agree that body language literally accounts for 90% of messages you send out during the interview.

Guest Author

The role of body language during a job interview can largely dictate whether you will be successful in your job pursuit or not. Many HR experts agree that body language literally accounts for 93% of messages you send out during the interview. Amazingly, verbal content is only 7% of the message conveyed during the actual interview process. Such statistics mean that you have to get your non- verbal communication right if you want to impress your potential employer.

Generally, before entering the interview room, it’s largely assumed that you will have adequately prepared for the interview in question. Some of things you are expected to be aware of prior to the interview include; information about the company, potential questions to be asked, dress code etc. Providing the best possible impression during a grueling interviewing process can help you clinch the job in question. Body language is fundamental to any interview process- you must at all times project confident and respectful demeanor not though words alone but also subtly through your body language.

If you have been invited to an interview process then, here are handy tips on body language that you should employ if you want to bag your dream job or any job for that matter.


Once you enter the interview room and you’ve already exchanged greetings with the interviewer; then its crucial that you maintain a good posture once you are seated. Sitting upright is highly suggested as it indicates that you are feeling comfortable and confident. Hunching down simply indicates that you are nervous or are suffering from low self esteem. Additionally, a sloppy posture gives the impression that you are a careless person. There plenty of other wrong posture positions that can send negative impressions to the employer. The bottom-line you must maintain an upright posture though not too stiff.

Movement of your arms

Your arms or hands movements and positioning can indicate whether you are nervous or confident. The general rule of the thumb is to put your hands on your lap or loosely clasped on the table if you want to appear calm or confident. Some e of the hands or arms positioning that you ought to avoid include; fiddling your face or hair (shows how nervous or anxious you are), putting arms above the neck (shows your uncertainty), touching your lips (shows you are lying), touching your nose (project the image that you are insincere), folding arms across your chest (indicates that you are defensive or have something to hide) etc.

Eye contact

Eye contact is another part of body language that you must get right if you are to stand a change of getting hired. Generally, it is pertinent that you maintain direct eye with the interview as it indicates that you are listening or paying attention. However, maintaining eye contact doesn’t mean that you should stare aggressively at the interviewer. Ideally, you should maintain eye content while at the same moving your head here and there, periodically nodding your head. Failure to establish eye contact with your interviewer will send a negative impression that you are a person who is nervous with low self esteem.

Voice delivery

You should ideally speak in a controlled voice that is clear; this projects an impression that you are confident. Speaking in high or low pitch can indicate that you are nervous or anxious. Additionally, your voice should be devoid of emotion. To get your voice right, it is highly recommended that you breathe in an out to ease any anxiety inside you.

Here other additional body language tips that you should consider


  1. Show enthusiasm and make positive gestures like smiling during the interviewing process
  2. Sit or stand not too close to the interviewer; invading personal space is very annoying
  3. Only interact the interview if you have something important point to relay. You should refrain from interjecting the interviewer if you point doesn’t hold any weight.


  1. Do not cross your legs or shake them idly, as this will likely send the wrong message that you are uncomfortable or anxious.
  2. Do not slouch or lean back on your seat as this shows or projects the impression that you generally uninterested with the job at hand. You should at all times sit upright though not too stiff.

Guest Author: Miles Wiseman is a writer and blogger from Brisbane who takes particular interest in finance, business and employment. He writes about all the interesting things related to job search, career progress, etc.

