Make Yourself Recruitable By Working Smarter And Harder

You want a new job or you are in transition, either way, how you can find a new job if no one can find you? It’s simple, you have to put yourself out there in order to be found. People believe that if you simply have a good LinkedIn profile and apply to a lot of jobs that it will click after a while, but that could be furthest from the truth. If people do not know you, why would they want to hire you? Increase your chances by taking the time to increase your online reputation in your professions industry. It is very important to have a positive online reputation, but it is important to at least have a basic online reputation.
work smart

You want a new job or you are in transition, either way, how you can find a new job if no one can find you? It’s simple, you have to put yourself out there in order to be found. People believe that if you simply have a good LinkedIn profile and apply to a lot of jobs that it will click after a while, but that could be furthest from the truth. If people do not know you, why would they want to hire you? Increase your chances by taking the time to increase your online reputation in your professional industry. It is very important to have a positive online reputation, but it is important to at least have a basic online reputation.

In various articles, we have discussed how to use LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and various other social media websites as well as general networking. We cannot emphasize enough, the importance of joining your professional community. You must become active on the LinkedIn boards, the local professional chapter and on Twitter. You must be active and contribute thoughtful ideas and create stimulating conversations. Why? So you can become an industry thought leader. This way, people will find you and they will want to recruit you to work for their company.

In today’s highly competitive world, companies are no longer looking for just A+ performers, they want good corporate citizens. These individuals are involved in their company and their community. They are active with committees and even volunteer. Not only does this lend to excellent marketing, but it shows they are passionate about what they do. Hence, they are making themselves recruitable.
Below we list some tips on how to make yourself recruitable.

  1. Join LinkedIn and more importantly, join relevant groups.
  2. Join Facebook and follow the companies you want to work for.
  3. Join Twitter and follow the companies you want to work for and the people who work for them.
  4. After completing the first three, become active. Share your opinions and thoughts.
  5. Invoke thoughtful discussions on each platform

In addition to becoming active, you must also have your resume in tip-top shape. Just because your best friend or co-worker took a look at it and gave you the thumbs-up, does not mean it is an A+ resume. In order to be recruitable, you need to have a great resume. We can take a look at it for you and suggest recommendations, here.

We hear from so many people that say, “I’ve been applying to 10 jobs a day and I haven’t heard anything.” Well there might be a reason to that and to overcome it, you need to think out of the box. You need to differ from your competition and shine! Any and everyone can apply to a job online, that takes neither talent nor skill, but to become recruitable, that takes talent and effort. As we mentioned above, use the avenues available to you to make yourself known.

So make yourself recruitable, make people want to hire you. Work smarter and harder.

