5 Reasons To Give Your Job Search A Reboot

It does not matter where you are or what job you are looking for, every person can use an advantage when searching for jobs. The best and easiest advantage is knowledge. We explain 5 reasons why you should take a second look at your job searching strategy to you can maximize your chance of landing the job of your dreams.
Job Search

It does not matter where you are or what job you are looking for, every person can use an advantage when searching for jobs. The best and easiest advantage is knowledge. We review 5 common job searching problems to help you take a second look at your job search strategy so you can maximize your chances of landing the job of your dreams.

  1. You Only Spend 30 Minutes A Day Looking: It does not matter if you are employed or unemployed; looking for a job is a full-time job. A recent study in the United States, conducted by The Economist, concluded that the average job seeker spends around 30 minutes per day looking for a new job. How can you expect any good results from only 30 minutes day? You probably spend more time watching TV! Most people will argue, “I don’t have the time.” The answer to that then is you are not taking it seriously.
    • The Solution: Let us do the job search for you! We have trained professionals who know how to find the right jobs to match your skills, experience and career goals. We will send you personalized lists of jobs directly to your inbox and save you hours a day. Take that extra time and do something you love or use that time to do some networking and enhance your job search that much more.

  2. You Question Your Skills: Maybe you have been looking for some time, maybe not, but you are beginning to question your skills. You wonder if you are smart enough or have what it takes to deliver results. First, it is okay to think that. Second, you need to build confidence in yourself. Hopefully, you picked your profession because you have a passion for it. You need to remember why you got into what you are currently doing and reinvigorate yourself. Every employer wants something different, but all of them have a few consistent traits they look for in a candidate. Two of them are confidence and passion. You have to believe in yourself before you expect someone else too. For free tips to improve your interviewing skills and job search, take a look at our Jobseeker section.

  3. You Are Not Getting Any Interviews: This topic could have a whole encyclopedia worth of articles written on it because there are so many reasons why you may not be getting any interviews. We recommend you read these articles we have written previously to get a better understanding as to why.

  4. You Get The Phone Interview, But That’s It: You received the email that the company you applied to wants to set up a phone interview with you and you are on cloud nine. This has probably happened to you countless times and then, after what feels like a great phone call, you never hear back from them again. Essentially, you scared the employer away. Something you said during the phone interview did not bode well with the interviewer and they decided not to pass your resume along to the hiring manager. We discuss topic in length in one of our previous articles. Learn how to have a great phone interview and land the second the interview.

  5. You Think Interviewing And Hiring Is Unfair: People who do not land the job come up with every excuse in the book as to why not. The problem is… they are just that; Excuses! Every company is looking for something in particular and the point of the interview is to find out if you have it or not. That something particular could be anything and be as simple as wanting someone who has been referred by an internal employee. It is near impossible to find out this “something particular” for every job you apply to. Instead, when you go on your next interview, do not let the interviewer feel you have been mistreated in the past. Treat it as a clean slate and give it your all.

Make your job search work for you and not against you. Our services at A Better Interview, LLC can help you improve your chances. We highly recommend that you take a look and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We will answer any questions you have.

