Tips on Acing your next Job Interview

Interviews are similar to public speaking: they terrify most of us. However, being well prepared and brushing up on your interview skills will dramatically improve how you perform and hopefully, land you a job.
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In the current economic climate, competition for jobs is fierce. If you’ve had a number of unsuccessful interviews or are preparing for your first one, help is at hand. The tips below outline the fundamental ‘do’s and don’ts’ and will give you the best chance possible to ace your next job interview.

Be prepared

Being prepared is undeniably the most important and influential factor in interview success. However, what does ‘being prepared’ actually mean? Here’s a checklist:

  • Read the role description several times. You need to know and understand exactly what the employer is asking of you and the specific skills, qualifications and experience they are seeking. Pretend that each of the job requirements (for example: ‘Provide outstanding customer service’), is an interview question in its own right. Carefully craft a response for every requirement, being sure to address what knowledge, skills and experience you have for each one.
  • Anticipate questions you’ll be asked in the interview and develop your responses. Run through a mock interview with a friend or family member and take it seriously. Include typical questions such as “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, “Why do you want to work for us” and “What can you bring to this role?”
  • Know who’s interviewing you and their positions. Get online before your interview and research the employer as much as you can. You need to know and understand their business to the best of your ability. Pay attention to their:
    • Corporate values and ethos
    • Business goals, direction and achievements
    • Organizational culture and style
    • Customers
    • Products/services

This kind of preparation can also help to reduce some of your anxiety around the interview and to improve your overall confidence. This is really important as self belief and confidence are major contributors to great interview success. If you struggle with this, it might be time to get some career advice and/or interview coaching from a recruitment company or employment service. If you’re currently studying, check to see if your education provider has any courses for job seekers. Some providers (e.g. Evocca College) run programs on how to market yourself and how to interview confidently and successfully.

Be presentable

It’s imperative for any interview you attend to be well presented. Ensure you dress appropriately for a) the company/organisation and b) the role you’re interviewing for. Presentation also covers things like the way you style your hair, makeup selection and even the length and cleanliness of your fingernails. It doesn’t stop there though. It’s about the way you walk and talk as well as your body language. Be friendly and open, but polite and professional. Feeling good in your appearance also helps to boost your self-confidence and therefore your overall presentation to those interviewing you.

Be punctual

While there are instances where your late arrival is simply out of your control, in the vast majority of cases, it’s the result of poor time management and organisation. As these are two key attributes all employers look for, being tardy will almost guarantee an unfavourable outcome for you. Plan ahead by knowing exactly how to get to the interview, the best mode of transport to take, and travel time. Choose your ‘interview outfit’ the night or days beforehand and give yourself plenty of time to get ready. Aim to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before the actual interview time.

Interviews are similar to public speaking: they terrify most of us. However, being well prepared and brushing up on your interview skills will dramatically improve how you perform and hopefully, land you a job.

